The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ (UNGPs ) “Protect, Respect, and Remedy” Framework states that where a business has caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts through its activities, it should ensure remediation. Establishing clear, effective and transparent systems to provide remedy will help to ensure that you meet your responsibility to protect workers’ rights.
In 2018, Impactt conducted an in-depth investigation at a small Malaysia-based garment factory on behalf of a buyer. The investigation identified worker-paid recruitment fees and related costs. The buyer convened a coalition of 5 buyers (“Buyers’ Group”) to drive leverage and consistency in the remediation process and requested the factory… Read More
Since 2010, Impactt has supported a client in the ICT industry to investigate and remediate 330+ child (12-15 years old) worker cases found during client factory visits. Working with the client, Impactt visited sites to investigate the cases through visual inspection, reviewing worker personnel documentation and interviewing workers. In the… Read More