
Impactt Principles and Guidelines for the Rectification of Non-Payment of Wages

Image shows a tea plantation worker.
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In many employment contexts around the world, workers, and particularly migrant workers, face non-payment of wages, including delayed payment, underpayment, and non-payment. As noted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in its guidance note on wage protection for migrant workers, “working time and wages are the working conditions that have the most direct and tangible effect on the day-to-day lives of workers and employers.”

Impactt’s fieldwork globally has found the same, noting consistently that workers’ top priority is income, no matter the sector or region. Taking action to ensure this income is paid legally and without interference is therefore critical to worker welfare, and critical in order to address debt bondage and forced labour.

Impactt’s Principles and Guidelines for the Rectification of Non-Payment of Wages recommend 8 practical steps to ensure that repayments can be investigated and implemented efficiently.

Best practice steps are recommended on top of those outlined under minimum recommendations, unless otherwise specified.

To discuss how we can support your organisation to implement the guidelines, contact us at


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