
Grievance Mechanisms

Image shows a close up of a south asian man's hands on his chin.

Impactt is operating worker helplines for businesses in various sectors in Bangladesh, India, East-Africa, Malaysia, Vietnam and the UK.

Helpline operators are native speakers, this means that we work with dedicated operators from migrants’ home countries including Nepal, Myanmar and Indonesia. To date we have operated 15 lines, receiving over 1,500+ calls. An effective grievance mechanism is a vital component of human rights due diligence as it serves to strengthen accountability and the respect and protection of the rights of everyone who works at a site. It also forms a critical part of a remediation programme; ensuring workers have a trusted channel through which they can feel safe to report issues.

We act as an intermediary between workers and employers, ensuring grievances are handled in accordance with the UNGP grievance mechanism effectiveness criteria and appropriate remedy is put in place where grievances are upheld. Having an active helpline which enables workers to feed into the remediation process provides important information on whether remediation actions are working.

Image shows a silhouette of a person looking at a sunrise.

What We Do

Our experience in Worker Grievance helplines

  • One of our helplines in Bangladesh received 141 calls over 12 months, of which 40% high risk. After 1 year, 97% of the cases were closed, 3% were still pending.
  • 45% of grievances raised through one of our helplines in South India were made up of high-risk calls ranging from reports of sexual and verbal abuse and forced overtime.
  • In East-Africa, one of our helplines received over 150 calls within 6 weeks. One caller reported to look forward to the support from the helpline as ‘workers are just poor people without a voice’.

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