Human rights violation indicators are subtle and don’t easily fit in the framework of a checklist assessment. A more exploratory and flexible model is needed to investigate allegations. We have developed a unique investigative approach through our research, learning and insights of 25 years of fieldwork.
We are highly experienced in investigating allegations related to forced labour, abuse and harassment, child labour and other exploitative working conditions, as well as investigations following high-profile media exposés, economic sanctions such as Withhold Release Orders (WROs), whistle-blower accounts and as a follow-up of other assessment work. Our team of experts not only deliver investigations but are also specialists on wider topics in human rights and supply chains. They understand the complexities involved in managing a business in line with human rights standards.
Prioritising the testimony of workers, using a variety of approaches.
Taking a creative and non-binary approach.
We are skilled in getting to the bottom of issues present and understanding the true position.
A firm grasp on the cultural and sectoral undertones that enable poor working conditions and negative behaviour.
Continuous evaluation of credibility of evidence and triangulation.
In 2020, a group of brands commissioned Impactt to investigate forced labour at three garment and textile manufacturing sites in Tamil Nadu, India. The investigation was a continuation of similar work conducted over the previous three years where forced labour indicators were present. Impactt undertook an unannounced worker-focused investigation visit with… Read More
Impactt conducted a deep dive Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) investigation at an agriculture business in East Africa. Out of the three sites assessed, on average, over 70% of workers reported experiencing, witnessing, or hearing about GBVH in the workplace. The investigation led to: An understanding of the various factors… Read More