Case Studies

Identifying and remediating child labour in the ICT sector in China

Since 2010, Impactt has supported a client in the ICT industry to investigate and remediate 330+ child (12-15 years old) worker cases found during client factory visits. Working with the client, Impactt visited sites to investigate the cases through visual inspection, reviewing worker personnel documentation and interviewing workers. In the cases where a child worker was identified, Impactt discussed options with the child worker and their families about returning to education or completing vocational courses until they reach the legal working age and the remittance amounts to supplement the lost income. The child’s educational progress is monitored throughout the remediation, and updates are given to the client and factory.

Impactt has supported the client in implementing specific interventions in the business to address the root causes and enabling factors of underage workers entering their supply chains. One key area Impactt is supporting is building effective age verification systems internally. Activities include training the factory Human Resources departments to perform identify checks and maintain up-to-date personnel files.

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