Case Studies

Strategic Partner for Human Rights Due Diligence

Impactt has been working with a large Dutch Company that provides engineering and construction solutions on complex and high-scale projects since 2019 to help build its human rights strategy from scratch and support its implementation.

Since 2019 we have:

  • Assessed 12 contractors across China, Africa, and South America, interviewing over 800 workers.
  • Trained and built the capacity of over 40 staff to conduct human rights due diligence at an operational level, including how to capture the voice of workers within compliance checks.
  • Mapped, risk assessed, and guided prioritisation of human rights risks within their tier 1 supply base.
  • Provided input into the direction of the strategic ambition through engagement with the board and ExCom.
  • Driven the development of a strategic 3-year road map.
  • Comprehensively reviewed the current companywide grievance mechanism and provided recommendations to increase its effectiveness as a key oversight mechanism.
  • Provided expert support and direct involvement in the formation of action plans.
  • Become a sounding board and go-to partner for any critical human rights risks.

This work has allowed the company to take the first step on their human rights journey, allowing them to articulate to their stakeholders (shareholders, lenders, and customers) confidently and honestly how they approach human rights due diligence.

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